Monday, December 10, 2007


do nothing today as i need to catch some of my beauty sleep.... im sleeping like a pregnant koala!!!!!!.... hehehehehe

Today morning, Mr Loh brought me to a tour agent to book my Great Ocean Road tour(GOR).... was expecting to pay AUS$ 95 for a day tour.... but, i only paid Aus$ 45!!!!!!... why??? cause it's a chinese guided tour ....

SHIT!!!... i'm a pure banana struggling to speak perfect mandarin and cantonese but had failed in fading colors!!!! bah.... though i have free tuition from my ever 100% perfect-orientated-mandarin-agonist boyfriend @ xiaojie.....with primary 1 and 2 chinese books to learn........ and me with no determination to learn further..... xiaojie gave up in teaching me!!!:P... im a perfecto lazy bum with full of hatred in learning languages!!!!:P

but anyway, GOR is only scenary area... no history.. so heck it ... i rather save that Aus$ 50 in shopping !!!!!...muahahahahaha

im going this saturday for my GOR.... and tomorrow... will be in puffing billy (the steam train)...okie dokie.... need to do some research... will update later!!!

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